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thrive market madara

Lets make the world a better place!

Invitation in English below

Българо-Американски Център Мадара подкрепя

благотворителната кампания
в помощ на българската актриса Жожо Христова

Покана от нейните приятели:

Драги приятели!

Жожо Христова е куклена и драматична актриса, всеотдаен и вдъхновен колега и приятел. Учила в София и Ню Йорк, тя владее тайната да общува искрено с публиката. Жожо беше невероятна Мадлен в постановката “Не минавай по моста”, която се игра миналата година в Манхатън. Нейната Мадлен вярваше в чудесата. В тях вярва и Жожо, но всяко чудо иска обща енергия, за да се случи.
Жожо се срещна с голямо изпитание. Неотдавна тя преживя тежка туморна операция на мозъка и сега е във фаза на сложно следоперативно лечение. Силният й дух не е достатъчен, необходими са и средства, за да продължи битката на този прекрасен човек.

Ако можете, подайте й ръка. Средства се набират на сайта:

На 23 окт, 2014 ще се ссътои първото благотворително събитие от кампанията в Българското Консулство в Ню Йорк
Повече информация вижте тук >>

Всяка сума е от значение. 

Благодаря от името на Жожо и всички нас, нейните приятели,
Майя Праматарова

The Bulgarian-American Center Madara is pleased to support the campaign

to help Jo Jo Hristova
- talented New York-based actress and puppeteer

We are extending a call for help to save a life. We kindly invite you to join us in raising funds for the cancer treatment of a dear friend of ours. In May 2014 Jo Jo Hristova, an incredibly gifted New York-based actress and puppeteer underwent a brain tumor surgery.

Regretfully, the biopsy came positive and she was diagnosed with a highly aggressive type of brain cancer that requires immediate treatment. After stomaching the 10% chance of survival that the doctors sentenced her to, and outweighing the pros and cons of chemotherapy and radiation, she recognized the damage of such invasive therapies on the immune system and made a conscious decision to commit to strict macrobiotic diet and daily Qi-Gong and Yoga practice.

Embarking on such a transformational journey is time-consuming and requires utmost dedication. She'll need to cover further costs for additional medical tests and treatments that her insurance doesn't cover,  living expenses, and she would love to venture into a holistic retreat, away from the stress of the city, where she can find the peace and the quiet to recuperate.  She is unable to work and earn a living and needs all the funding she could possibly get to pursue this path.

It won’t be an easy ride, but given her incredible courage, wisdom and inner resolve to embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth, we have full confidence she will heal and serve as an example for others to walk in her glorious footsteps.

Jo Jo is a born altruist, a compassionate soul who would rather tend to others before she cares for herself. It is now time for her to reap the rewards for loving others and bringing so much goodness to this world.

Let’s all join hands and hearts and give her that love and support back! Only together can we make a difference in saving such a worthy life and celebrating the power of personal transformation in healing ourselves and the planet.


Join our  fundraising event on Oct 23, 2014 at the Bulgarian Consulate General in New York. More info see here >>

Thank you for yor support

Krassi Varbanov and friends


Todor Ialamov

Vasil Nenkov

David Flashenberg
